Decolonizing Time 3 - 5 Tz'i'


The  Maya classic period word  for the number nine, from the root word Balam which means Jaguar or the one who hides

The number 9 in Kiche is Beleheb

The number 9 in Q’anjob’al is B'aloneb


The Maya classic word for “step”, put it also is a day name from the 260 day count.

In the Yucateco count is “Oc”, The equivalent  name if this day in Guatemala is the Kiche word “T’zi’” which means Dog.


The word for tree.

In the Popol Wuj the first grandfather is called Xipyacoc, with the last part of his name having the Word “Oc”. It is written the he is the “Tzite Master”, the counter on the red bean. He is the constellation of the turtle, which westerns calls the belt of Orion.

Tzite is a red bean that grows in the Highlands of Guatemala  from the flower of the Tzite tree. These beans are used by elders to give advice to the community. Counting them in certain order, groups, or steps.

The word Tzite is Kiché and it means the Tree of the Dog.

Breaking down the name of this Ancestor from the Classic period shines the light to the  connection to Ri Laj Mam (Maximom).

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